Friday, February 6, 2009

Dog is really man's best friend!

I never doubted that, but I just realised how very true the saying is. The dog is such a sweet and faithful companion. It loves you more than you love yourself! If you're reading this blog post and have a dog at home, do give it a pat, scratch its chin and rub its stomach.

Say hello to Cookie and Benji, our new family members.

They're now 3 months old. These little bundles of joy/mischief taught me something new in life; that dogs are really precious. I'll explain what happened.

Earlier I used to get annoyed with their excretory habits, having to take them out whenever they wanted (and leave everything else behind) regardless of whether they "wanted" to answer nature's call or not. Also with Golu around, it can be difficult to keep an eye on all 3 at the same time to make sure noone gets hurt, including me.

It was getting difficult to handle both pups. I mean, when we're not around, the only ones at home are my grandparents, and it wouldn't be fair for them as they are in their 80s. So we asked the vet and a trainer about it. We were advised to separate the pups as soon as possible, so they'll be able to adjust. We were advised to give away Cookie (female) and keep Benji, as Cookie was aggressive while Benji submissive. If we gave Cookie away, she needed to be in a home of dog lovers only! Someone who will love her, take good care of her. So after making enquiries, a Christian family happily agreed to keep Cookie. As soon as they heard Cookie would be theirs, they went and brought toys for her. Cookie would now have toys, good food, a better place to stay and roam around, a terrace and so on (paradise for any pup if you ask me).

The night before that day, mom and Supa cried a lot. So did Ammama (grandma). I was sad too though I didn't shed any tears. That night it was like Cookie realised what was happening. Before going to bed I patted her. She saw the sadness in my eyes and gave a little bark. She was sad too. Those gentle marble eyes were sad. All that mischief and loud barking had disappeared and all that was left was a sense of loneliness, sadness.

The next day,we visited their home. Cookie seemed happy there. She sat comfortably near the coconut tree they had planted. She rolled into some muck. She even pooped there. Guess she liked the place. If Cookie would be happy there, then I'm happy. With a heavy heart, we parted and went home. Benji seemed to search for Cookie but was cool about it. That night I wondered if Cookie was happy there. Guess what happened the next day.

We got a call from them saying Cookie was really very very unhappy that we left her there. She didn't eat any food. She didn't even sleep that night. She cried the whole night-she literally had tears in her eyes! After hearing this, mom and Supa rushed to bring her back. I didn't feel like going. Cookie was so excited and happy and super relieved to be back home. Wow. She gave up all that just to be back with us. Talk about devotion.

It certainly was a touching reunion. Welcome back, Cookie!


Yash said...

very nice post abhinav, well written. congrats on getting ur dog back

Deepak Kumar said...

awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww nice